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01 Июня 2004 09:44

Purpose: To install a dedicated UT Server on linux.

This is updated as of 11/10/00. I am MUCH happier now. Mega kudo’s to loki/epic

This is a work in progress, as is UT, (and HL as well for that matter) in that there have been incremental patches, and many changes to the requirements.

These are the prerequisites from the first time I installed this, I’m not sure if they still are the prerequisites, but I’ll leave them here until I hear otherwise

The TRUE Prerequisites. ???? (will find out soon)
You will need the following libraries to even start setup:

(you can check this by doing an «find /usr/lib -name 'libxml*' -print») (substitute libxml for the library you are looking for)

Granted in most applications, the only ones not installed are libxml and libglade . They are easy enough to find. (If you have SuSE 6,4 they are even readily available with your distro) otherwise try rpmfind.net

You will need xdelta. (This too comes with SuSE 7,0 and 6.4. )

You DO NOT (woohoo) need X-Windows on the server to do this.

You will need about 1,1 GB of disk space free. This is to locally house the CDRom, which is not really needed, except if you want to do a re-install, but I would keep it on hand just in case.

I recommend you have rsync.

(Starting Installation)

1: Mount the CD. The program assumes you will mount it as /cdrom (it used to be /mnt/cdrom) so lets humor them.

2: You will probably (as root) need to «mkdir /cdrom"

3: You will then mount the cdrom «mount -r /dev/cdrom /cdrom» If you are keeping your CD in the machine, go on to step # 7.

4: At this point I wanted to put the UT cd on my local hard drive as I will be a way from the server most of the time and its in a common location. So as root I did a «mkdir /usr/local/UT».

5: To copy the files, you can either do a «cp -rp /cdrom/* /usr/local/UT/" or use rsync: «rsync -av /cdrom/* /usr/local/UT» (rsync may not be on all systems») NOTE: Using winzip on your PC and zipping it across may cause problems as you may lose case-sensitivity in your directory and file names!

6: Now that you have the CD installed, you can unmount the cd «umount /cdrom».

7: You will need to download the latest server binary: It is: ut-install-436.run (436 is the most current as of this writing 11/10/00) Drop it somewhere out of the way. Like "/usr/local/src/UTPATCHES"

8: If you installed the CD locally (in /usr/local/UT) type the following command «export SETUP_CDROM=/usr/local/UT» If you are mounting the CD, skip to #9.

9: cd to the directory from #7 (/usr/local/src/UTPATCHES) directory, and run the installer: «sh ./ut-install-436 "

9: The installer will now ask you a few questions. My suggestions: 1: Read the README, However DO NOT hold down a key, as when you get to the questions at the end, you may pick an answer you dont want.

10: Say yes to /usr/local/games/ut (That sounds like a cool directory)

11: Say Yes to the Sym links. (If its installing in /usr/local/bin, you should be root to do this.

12: Say yes to the binary files.

13: Say No to openGl, This is a server after all

14: Say No to Glide. (or is that say no to all 3dfx products?)

15: Say yes to Data.

16: Say No to Desktop

17: Say Yes to continue,

19: Sit back and Wait as the install will take quite a while.

19: Create a new user for running UT in /etc/passwd:

20: Create a ut user in /etc/shadow

21: Change the user’s password: «passwd ut"

22: Change ownership of everything UT to the UT user: «chown -R ut /usr/local/games/ut /usr/local/UT /usr/local/src/UTPATCHES"

23: Log in as the UT user. (your home dir should be /usr/local/games/ut)

24: run the server really quick "./ucc server DM-Turbine"

25: This will create a .loki directory in your homedirectory, in "~/.loki/System is a UnrealTournament.ini» Note: If you have an old version, or installed to an old directory, it will pick up some of your old settings

26: Now go and modify your UnrealTournament.ini. «vi (pico) (emacs) (ed) ~/.loki/System/UnrealTournament.ini"
You will mainly want to change your «ServerName» and «ShortName». I also changed my localmap from «CityIntro.unr» to «DM-Turbine.unr"

27: You may also wish to run the UT Web Server. For that set «bEnabled=True» in the .ini file. You probably should also add: ListenPort=XXXXX Where XXXXX is a port to run the web server on. (Add this line directly under bEnabled=True)

28: Also a few lines below all that is the AdminUsername and AdminPassword, set those accordingly.

29: You may also wish to adjust the variable «MaxPlayers» (under Engine.GameInfo)

30: If you’ve gotten this far its time to try it out: «cd /usr/local/games/UnrealTournament/System» run "./ucc server DM-Turbine» If this is the machine you intend to run UT server on, you are DONE. OTherwise:

Porting a working installation
31: If you are a paranoid bastard, or do not want to do this work again and again if you have more than 1 machine, you can still install UT. After finishing all of the above steps: you can tar the /usr/local/UT directory up and the /usr/local/games/ut directory up and scp/rsync/ftp them to your production machine. You can extract them there (in the same hierarcy),

The commands for this would be: (assuming /usr/local/foo was a transfer dir and owned by user ut)
cd /usr/local
tar -cvf /usr/local/foo/UT.tar ./UT
cd /usr/local/games
tar -cvf /usr/local/foo/ut.tar ./ut
cd /usr/local/foo
scp *tar productionmachine:/usr/local/foo (assume /usr/local/foo better exist on production machine and that ut is a user on the other machine)

cd /usr/local
tar -xvf /usr/local/foo/UT.tar
cd /usr/local/games
tar -xvf /usr/local/foo/ut.tar
ln -s /usr/local/UT /mnt/cdrom

You should be able to repeat step 30 and be on your way.

Thats about as far as I have gotten so far, but it should be good enough to help get support on general admin :)


Some of this is borrowed heavily from the old install b. But I believe it is updated pretty well.

If you are going to run multiple servers on a machine, then the system in the home directory will kill you. (Imagine 2 servers reading the same configuration file and trying to bind to the same port). I havent done too much looking into this, but my guess would be to create an additional user for the second server (ut2 etc.)
The old install stuff is HERE

1: Thanks to loki for fixing all the problems with the older server install. The last time I used this was 6 months ago, and the install this time is NIGHT AND DAY! Thank you VERY Much!
2: Thanks to SuSE for making a distro that has all the rpms you could possibly need.

If you have any questions drop me a line:

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